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Welcome to our Blog! Enjoy our resources on Canadian Immigration, Settlement tips, and things you need to know as a Newcomer!

Why you Should Canadianize your Resume and Cover Letter

Settling in Canada can be a challenge, but the job search can be even harder. Each country has its own set of rules and standards so it’s no surprise that the job market operates in particular ways. W...

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Why Canada?

As political turmoil and economic uncertainty escalate in many parts of the world, people are looking to settle and move to another country with more stability and opportunity. Not surprisingly, Canad...

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What to Include in a Visitor Visa Letter of Invitation?

tourist visa visitor visa Jun 01, 2022

 You’re getting married in the summer in Toronto and you want your grandparents from the Philippines to be there. Or it’s the holidays and you want to invite your old high school friend from India to ...

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When Can I Start Looking for a Job in the Immigration Process?

Anyone who is immigrating to Canada will need to find employment unless you're independently wealthy or you have support, so you are not reliant on a job. During the immigration process, we commonly h...

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Reducing the Anxiety that Surrounds an Immigration Application

canadian immigration May 18, 2022

Immigrating and moving to a new country, whether it be for permanent or temporary reasons, can be nerve-wracking. Being on a work permit, or a study permit, where your status in Canada is limited can ...

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Proof of Work Experience and Employment Reference Letters

A common source of confusion when it comes to employment is what can be used for work experience, including what should be on the employment reference letter for your immigration application.

This is a...

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Immigration to Canada is an Investment and NOT a Cost

 Money, money, money. For some, it can be the main barrier to immigrating to Canada.

However, we believe that when deciding to come to Canada you should focus on the costs and budgets, but also the VAL...

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How to Find your First Job in Canada

 If you are immigrating to Canada, you will likely have a large list of things to do and explore. As you prepare to settle in your new country of residence, one of the first things people focus on is ...

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Why you Should Retire in Canada


Retirement is an important decision for most people with location a serious consideration of where you would like to spend those retirement years. This certainly takes some planning ahead, and some...

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How to be Successful with Your Visitor Visa Application

Many people come to Canada for various reasons, but a large majority first enter Canada as a tourist.

While the reasons for a tourist visa vary many come as they want to see a family member, to do som...

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