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Welcome to our Blog! Enjoy our resources on Canadian Immigration, Settlement tips, and things you need to know as a Newcomer!

What Work Permit is Right for Me?

 There are so many times that people will reach out to me and ask about how they can work in Canada. The situation always depends on a number of different factors, especially how specialized...

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The Federal Skilled Trades Program

 The Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP) provides the opportunity for skilled workers in a particular skilled trade to become permanent residents of Canada through Express Entry. The FSTP is...

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How Much Money Do I Need to Apply Through Express Entry?

One of the most frequently asked questions we get is regarding costs around immigrating to Canada. This blog post is going to break down costs specifically for those applying through Express Entry....

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What is an ECA and Why Do I Need One for Express Entry?

Congratulations! You have taken a huge step by considering immigrating to Canada. There might be many concerns running through your head regarding the immigration process, especially concerning...

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Full-time vs Part-time Work Requirements

For certain immigration categories, you may have encountered the requirement for full-time work experience. However, did you know that some categories accept part-time work as well for the...

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Which language test should I take for my immigration application?

If you are thinking about immigrating to Canada, chances are you will have to take a language test. Most economic programs require proof of language proficiency in one of Canada’s official...

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What is a Skilled Job for Canadian Immigration Purposes?

There are different ways that someone can immigrate to Canada and moving to Canada as a skilled worker is one of these pathways. In a previous blog post, we discussed the National Occupational...

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Provincial Nominee Programs

What Are Provincial Nominee Programs?

If you are thinking about immigrating to Canada, the Provincial Nominee Program option might be the route for you. This program allows Canada’s provinces...

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Iā€™m scoring low on my CRS score, what are my options?

So you don’t think you have the points needed to receive an invitation to apply for Permanent Residence under the Express Entry system. Let’s see about that as we want to make sure that...

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Who is Our Ideal Client?

After many years of immigration experience and client relationship, we have a pretty good idea of who will be successful with their immigration application. There are a number of common traits that...

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